1.8 ACRES • 14,000 SF
Indian Creek Baptist Church is a tight-knit church community, located just west of Mineral Wells, Texas. The original chapel was constructed by the founding members of the church, in the mid 1900’s. This building remains the origin point for Indian Creek Baptist Church, and still functions as a chapel today. As the congregation expanded, the church invested in several classroom buildings and a separate building to function as the fellowship hall. They would go on to procure the adjacent west lot, on the opposite side of Indian Creek Road. In 2002, a new Worship Center was constructed, complete with a 530-seat Auditorium, Entry Lobby/Foyer, Administrative Suite, Adult Classrooms, and a Nursery.

Today, the church is flourishing, with the desire to grow their infrastructure. Indian Creek approached Cadre Architecture to develop a Master Plan with a phased project scope. They had just purchased the adjacent lot to the south of the Worship Center, and wanted to explore various design options to ensure optimal use and flexibility of their existing and new facilities. Cadre provided both a Utilization Study and a Preliminary Design Package to assist the client in making this decision.

After several discussions with the building committee, it became clear that the south lot would be best suited for a new Family Life Center Addition, with the ability to be converted to a future 700-seat Worship Center in the future. This building will have a secure connection to the existing Worship Center, and will include a 400-seat Fellowship Hall, Serving Kitchen, Indoor Playground, Lounge/Coffee Bar, Nursery, and Classrooms for Pre-k through Grade 6. The Fellowship Hall has a variety of purposes, including potluck meals, large group Bible studies, and youth worship gatherings. A Covered Pavilion adjoins the Fellowship Hall, and will serve as overflow seating, event space, and outdoor activity area. Grade 1-6 Classrooms will also meet in the Fellowship Hall and will be separated by an automated operable partition system. When the classrooms are in use, the operable partitions will be stored in closets to open up the floor space for large group functions. Along with the building addition, site improvements will include 15 new parking spaces and an activated courtyard between the existing Worship Center and the new Family Life Center.
The new Family Life Center takes exterior material cues from the existing site and building context. Natural limestone will be used as a cladding system to provide emphasis at the primary entry points of the new building. White, prefinished metal panel will be used as both wall cladding and roof cladding system and will closely match that of the existing Worship Center. Exposed steel structure will be painted dark bronze, to match the walkway covers, aluminum storefront frame and prefinished gutters and downspouts.

Indian Creek Baptist Church is beautifully committed to local missions in Mineral Wells, and Palo Pinto County, with a specific focus on women’s and children’s ministry. Cadre is thrilled to partner with them on this journey.